Electrorecycling, S.A. is a waste management company authorized by the Waste Agency of Catalonia with number E-860.04 and NIMA 0800452088 for the recovery of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
Electrorecycling, S. A. Integrated Policy.
Strategic environmental indicators. (In Catalan)
Quality Certification UNE-EN ISO 9001:2008 by AENOR with number ER-0050/2013 by AENOR.
Environmental Management Certification UNE-EN ISO 14001:2004 by AENOR with number GA-2005/0458 by AENOR.
Certification for Occupational Health and Safety Management in conformity with ISO 45001:2018 with number SST-0034/2013 by AENOR.
Conformity certificate of WEEELABEX Organisation for treat flat panel screens and CRT WEEE categories 3 & 4
WEEELABEX treatmeent list operator
Certificate WEELABEX SHA, CRTs & FLAT Small Household Appliances (SHA), TVS, monitors of CRT and FLAT screens.
You can download the certification in the certifications section.
On 15th and 16th April we followed the informative sessions about the new Royal Decree on RAEE. The presentations given during the sessions can be downloaded on the web of ARC.
Here you have the latest news and events at Electrorecycling. We are immersed in the information age and we believe that we must be present in social networks, spreading the news from our sector as much as possible.